[Pixyway viewer] Version, edit your pictures on the fly


Hello Pixyway user,

a new version of Pixyway has been released:

It includes new features, minor bug fixes and some UI updates. Here is a summary of the latest updates than you can find in this version:

  • New editing picture panel (to edit picture's brightness, contrast, saturation and gamma components). You can access it from the top action bar or from the contextual menu.

  • Clean any picture's EXIF data (picture's metadata). This allows you to keep your privacy when you publish your pictures on the web.

  • Resize picture option added: select between 4 resizing algorithms (different rendering behaviors, like pixelated pictures style)

  • The picture's information panel (containing EXIF metadata) has been updated, with actions accessible on the top of the panel

  • + Keyboard SHORTCUTS:

    [CTRL+I] = Display picture information's panel,

    [CTRL+L] = Like/Unlike picture,

    [CTRL+P] = Pin/Unpin the bottom thumbnails bar

    [CTRL+R] = Dispay RESIZE picture dialog

  • UI minor fixes

❔How to update your app❔

If you don't see any update dialog when you start Pixyway, just follow the really simple steps explained here to update your app:


💡As always, keep your licence number safe somewhere in order to use it when you install a new version. Enjoy!

🚩Feedbacks and latest news 🚩

You can share all your feedbacks and be notified of new Pixyway's events by visiting our facebook page. Don't hesitate to join us:


Download: https://bit.ly/pixyway

Global presentation on Youtube:

💡Pixyway is a full .NET / WPF application written in C#. If you are a developper an have any technical question, don't hesitate to let a comment! 

🤓Big thanks to the supporters !


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