
[Flutter tip] Package to simulate different devices to run your app

  If sometimes you get crazy trying to test your Flutter application on different devices, like on an iPhone or any other Android devices, I have a pretty simple and convenient way to figure it out ! Use the following package, there are many options that will make you gain a lot of time! Like choosing between all different kind of devices, setting dark or light theme dynamically and much more.You should give a try to the following package:  Package on : device_preview Enjoy!

[Flutter tip] How to ignore lowerCamelCase warnings for your whole project

If you like me, are coding generally in C# or other Camel case based programming language and start to  code in Flutter / Dart, you will always see a warning like this:   The variable name 'xxxx' isn't a lowerCamelCase identifier. Try changing the name to follow the lowerCamelCase style. To solve that, you can add a specific comment at the begining of each file where you have this issue. But maybe the most interesting thing for you is to do it only once in your whole project. For that, you have to edit the following file: analysis_options.yaml Add the following statements:  non_constant_identifier_names: ignore # This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to # check for errors, warnings, and lints. include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml linter: rules: # avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule # prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule # Disable the non_const

[GODOT] Animate camera depending on touch screen events (C#)

If you develop a 2D game for mobile, like a RPG game seen from top (Zelda like for instance), and you want to navigate on your map just by dragging the screen, here is the simple way to implement it in GODOT. In your level scene you have to add a "Camera" Node and make it the current one: public override void _Ready() { // Ensure the camera is set as current Current = true; } Then create the associated Camera script (in this example in C#). You have to handle Godot input events to animate the camera. The events to manage are: - InputEventScreenTouch - InputEventScreenDrag The goal is to determinate the delta amount of  horizontal & vertical spaces that have been dragged by the user. You can see an example of handling these events in the following code snippet (camera script):  using Godot; using System; public partial class camera : Camera2D { private Vector2 _touchStartPosition = new Vector2(); private bool _isDragging = false; // Call

[Pixyway viewer] Version, edit your pictures on the fly

  Hello Pixyway user, a new version of Pixyway has been released: It includes new features, minor bug fixes and some UI updates. Here is a summary of the latest updates than you can find in this version: New editing picture panel (to edit picture's brightness, contrast, saturation and gamma components). You can access it from the top action bar or from the contextual menu. Clean any picture's EXIF data (picture's metadata). This allows you to keep your privacy when you publish your pictures on the web. Resize picture option added: select between 4 resizing algorithms (different rendering behaviors, like pixelated pictures style) The picture's information panel (containing EXIF metadata) has been updated, with actions accessible on the top of the panel + Keyboard SHORTCUTS: [CTRL+I] = Display picture information's panel, [CTRL+L] = Like/Unlike picture, [CTRL+P] = Pin/Unpin the bottom thumbnails bar [CTRL+R] = Dispay RESIZE picture dialog UI minor fixes ❔Ho

[GODOT for beginner tips] Global app's variables, states...

While trying to develop my first game, I was wondering how to manage my game's "CONTEXT". Like maybe the current level, the global player's score or any other "GLOBAL" variables. GLOBAL variables (static in C#) can be used from any script. 1- Create a "global" script This is the script containing global variables and methods that will be accessible from every other script. Below here is an example of a global script called "App.cs": ==> you can see a static variable called "MainScene". This is the scene that can be accessible from everywhere (like a MENU scene for instance). 2- Make your script global In your project settings, find the "AutoLoad" tab and ACTIVATE the script "Global variable" parameter. Then you will be abble to access the script from everywhere. 3- Example of accessing the global variables In my mainscene script, I instantiate the app's (app.cs script) global variable by accessing it

[Pixyway viewer] Version released! (picture conversion)

  (GLOBAL UPDATES NOTE: you will need your activation code for each update you install. If you lose it, please send us a message indicating the mail you have used to download Pixyway) Hello guys! A new version has been released: It allows you to convert your picture into another format in a few clicks . Check the steps below to use this functionnality (*see notes at the end of the post for more details): 🚩Click on the new 'extension' button on the bottom bar: --> 🚩You will access the new conversion popup as below: 🚩Select 1 or more target extensions to convert to, then click the "Start conversion..." button: Newly created files will appear in the thumbnails preview list. ❗*Notes on conversions actually you can convert your pictures into the following formats: bmp, bmp2, bmp3 DMG Gif ICO (*Not all pictures can be converted to ICO. Max size is 256x256) JPEG, Jfif JNG MIF PCD format PNG PSD TGA TIFF WebP Actually, for some extensions, thumbnails cannot be

[Pixyway] Windows picture viewer - Introducing Color palette feature

  Version has been released - enjoy colors ! This version introduce a new feature. It's about color management for your pictures. So actually you can use the following functionnalities: - reduce your picture number of colors (using 2 algorithms: posterize (simple) and Quantize that keeps the picture consistency) - you can also convert your picture to black and white or gray levels pictures - you can display the picture's palette (actually the first 2000 colors) and see the HEXA code or ARGB values for each color And and interesting part of the feature is that you can also: export the picture palette: - actually to a new PNG picture containing all the colors - or to a CSV file Other improvements This new version lets you send us comments and feebacks. And new settings (for instance file association) have been added. Enjoy and tell us what you thunk about Pixyway ! Some screenshots here: And as usual, follow us on facebook and  ! Download here: Pixyway fo