Understanding .NET Standard

If as me, you don't really understand all subtleties between .NET Core and .NET Standard, I suggest you to have a look at the following article.
It explains some history about .NET Framework and how .NET Standard is born.

Which version to use ?

For me, an important point to master for my own projects, is to know which platforms I can reach with a specific .NET Standard or .NET Core library. The following table illustrate the compatibility between each .NET implementation:

For instance,

  • - if you build a Xamarin Android v. 7.0 application, you could use versions 1.0 up to 1.6 .NET Standard librairies into your project

  • - or if you have a .NET Standard v. 1.4 library, you could only build Android  v. 7.0  applications ( not v. 8.0)

Intersting References about .NET Standard:

Xamarin blog: A brief history of .NET Standard

.NET Standard official website

.NET Standard, table version video

Convert shared or PCL project into .NET Standard one


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