
[Flutter] Splashscreen (native way)

The splash screen is the first screen you see when you start your app. - you can display your logo for instance - and while the splash screen is shown,  your application is loaded (like user data, business data...) In this example we will use flutter_native_splash package. I- Package: flutter_native_splash (for native splash screen) In your " pubspec.yaml " file you have to add the correct dependency, here at less version 2.0.5 # Dependencies specify other packages that your package needs in order to work. # To automatically upgrade your package dependencies to the latest versions # consider running `flutter pub upgrade --major-versions`. Alternatively, # dependencies can be manually updated by changing the version numbers below to # the latest version available on To see which dependencies have newer # versions available, run `flutter pub outdated`. dependencies : flutter : sdk : flutter flutter_native_splash : ^2.0.5 hint : Pubspec Assist extension To auto

XAMARIN FORMS TIPS: iOS 15 Transparent TabBar and Safe Area

  iOS 15, transparent TabBar Since the release of iOS 15, some people had regression with their app, particularly because of the TabBar component . In iOS 15, by default (while using Xamarin Forms), the TabBar comes with a Transparent background and the page's content can scroll behind this TabBar. So it's not user friendly  and I presume for all existing apps, it's not beautiful. See the next picture: iOS 15, transparent TabBar You can solve this problem by many ways, but the fastest solution / workaround that I found is the following: => manage iOS SafeArea directly into your XAML to constrain page's content to fit the free space of the page.  You can do that in XAML in 2 lines of code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ContentPage xmlns:ios="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms.PlatformConfiguration.iOSSpecific;assembly=Xamarin.Forms.Core" ios:Page.UseSafeArea="True" ... iOS 15 using Page.UseSafeArea = true As Ta

FFImageLoading - display pictures stored in shared assembly

I already talk about the really convenient and powerful lib FFLoadingImage for Xamarin Forms (here: FFLoadingImage for Xamarin Forms (quick overview) ).  This library gives you a lot of tools to display and manage your application's pictures. Loading pictures from a shared assembly You can load pictures from different sources like:  - an HTTP Url  - An iOS or Android embedded resource picture. In this case you will need to duplicate the pictures for each specific platform project.  But did you know that you can also load images from a custom assembly like a SHARED Xamarin Forms assembly ?  It's pretty simple: Set your picture's build action to: Embedded Resource Shared assembly containing your pictures Picture's build action: Embedded Resource Then use the following syntax In your xaml file where you want to display the picture, just use the following syntax. FFLoadingImage library will do the rest to load and display correctly images for each native platforms:

Xamarin Forms + Installing Firebase plugin = errors

[Xamarin Forms Shell App + Firebase iOS Auth plugin v. 6.9.2] Last day I added the Google Firebase functionalities to my project, but unfortunately I add some errors just after installing the Firebase Plugin. > Xamarin Forms (Shell app) + iOS Firebase errors adding latest package: ....iOS/MTOUCH: Error MT5210: Native linking failed, undefined symbol: _GULIsLoggableLevel. Please verify that all the necessary frameworks have been referenced and native libraries are properly linked in. (MT5210) (*.iOS)  I found some solutions, and finally the iOS SDK worked with my Xamarin Forms Shell app... Unfortunately, with Xamarin Forms, we still take too much time to solve this kind of problem.  What did I do ? iOS project properties => Set the "entitlements file property" to a default file (the *.plist file can be empty): => iOS Build options: - Add 'mtouch' argument: --registrar:static - and try to set linker behavior to SDKs only Then initialize Firebase in your code:

Docker for beginners - presentation

I- Introduction II- Docker presentation III- A simple [MySQL / phpMyAdmin] docker example IV- Docker in Windows, how to ? V- Simple Docker glossary VI- Links I- Introduction There are enough websites to introduce to you Docker in detail. This presentation will just remind you the key concepts of Docker. In my posts, I will always talk about Docker embedded in the Windows environment but I presume, all given information will also be valid for Linux and other OS. So, what are we going to see in this post ? As I said, we will remind the key concept of Docker, then we will list some common use cases and all the basic related commands. I will share some links at the end of the post if you want to go deeper with Docker. Let's go ! II- Presentation Docker is 'just' a technology used to virtualize environments (named containers ) in order to run specific applications. It acts like traditional virtual machine but it's much more lightweight. Take

Understanding .NET Standard

If as me, you don't really understand all subtleties between .NET Core and .NET Standard , I suggest you to have a look at the following article. It explains some history about .NET Framework and how .NET Standard is born. >>  Xamarin blog: A brief history of .NET Standard Which version to use ? For me, an important point to master for my own projects, is to know which platforms I can reach with a specific .NET Standard or .NET Core library. The following table illustrate the compatibility between each .NET implementation: For instance, - if you build a Xamarin Android v. 7.0 application, you could use versions 1.0 up to 1.6 .NET Standard librairies into your project - or if you have a .NET Standard v. 1.4 library, you could only build Android  v. 7.0  applications ( not v. 8.0) Intersting References about .NET Standard: Xamarin blog: A brief history of .NET Standard .NET Standard official website .NET Standard, table version video

Full Xamarin Documentation available on

New 'Xamarin' menu available If you are a Xamarin developer, you will be happy to know that the "full" Xamarin Platform's documentation is now available on website.  This website looks really clear , so it should be easy to find what you need... Microsoft documentation portal: If you select the "Xamarin" menu, you will be redirected to the following page: This is the entry point to many chapters describing the platform like: - technical / language documentation - UI (with XAML) documentation but you will also find: - deployement tutorials - mobile continuous delivery tutorials - data / database articles - code samples - and so much more ! So let's go coding Xamarin !