
Showing posts with the label package

[Flutter] Get some special directories path

I'm sure, if you are a Flutter's developer, that you will need one day to get specific paths, for instance to store files, generate temporary files etc... Path_provider package For that I use the 'path_provider' package that has some helpers methods. For example: Future < Directory >   getApplicationDocumentsDirectory ( ) returns the documents directory. How to use it ? Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory(); String tempPath = tempDir.path; Directory appDocDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(); String appDocPath = appDocDir.path; Follow the links: Package: Package's documentation:

[Flutter] Translations, internationalisation with GetX package

As applications are actually spread around the world, a common task to implement when developing your app (mobile, web or desktop), is to setup a multi-language option .  In Flutter, it can be done easily with the GetX Package (a useful package that provides a lot more services ! You should take a look if you don't know this package:  GetX package on . The implementation steps are the following: 1-Add GetX package to your solution You can do it the traditional way you like. For instance with "Pub Assist" extension: Shift+CMD+P > Pub asssist: add/upgrade > get 2-Use a GetMaterialApp Important step, do not forget to use the GetMaterialApp classe instead of Flutter's MaterialApp: @ override Widget build ( BuildContext context ) { return GetMaterialApp ( 3-Add a translation file Next you have to add a class that will embed all your strings declaration / translations. This class must extends the GetX's Translation class. Here is an example:

[Fast&Furious guide] Setup a continuous integration process with TFS2013

The goal of this post is to present you ( very quickly ) how to set up a TFS server (give you the steps) in order to get a continuous build integration environment. We will also talk about continuous deployement. For all the details, please take a look at the bottom of this post for the reference links... To summarize, the continuous integration process will help your team to merge their working copies  of your application code and to discover faster when a build fails. The reasons why a build fail can be multiple: - errors in code - a test fails - code analysis fails... We will take a look at the following points: - Configure the TFS Server - Create a new build definition - Insert tests in your build process - Manage team project's check-in policies - Deal with NuGet packages - Automatically deploy your project with MsDeploy. Setup your TFS 2013 server First you need to have a server that will manage and build your code. Install a TFS server and configu