[Flutter] Useful commands and tips

Here is a list of useful Flutter's commands / tips when you start developing with (in progress...).
(To find a topic try to search a keyword on this webpage... will be updated through time)

Create a new project in visual Studio Code

CMD + Shift + P to display action palette

> flutter: New project

Update Flutter to the latest version

flutter upgrade

Check actual Flutter version

flutter --version

Flutter change of (git) channel (master, dev, beta stable)

flutter channel beta

> flutter channel master

> flutter pub cache repair //To perform a clean reinstall of the packages in your system cache, use pub cache repair

> flutter clean //flutter clean will delete the /build folder

Activate / Deactivate web support for a project

flutter config --no-enable-web

flutter config --enable-web

Disable "debug banner" (MaterialApp's debugShowCheckedModeBanner)

// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,

Using SafeArea (is simple !)

In your Widget, just use the SafeArea Widget as child:

builder: (vm) {
return SafeArea(
top: true,
bottom: true,



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