
IT Challenges

Sometime, you want to do more than your day work. This kind of website looks perfect for that: Take a challenge, and win prizes, or just learn new things!

Typescript and Angular 2

Using angular is a very popular way of building websites, webapplications. You probably know that the version 2 is coming, with breaking changes. Visual studio 2015 seems to be welcoming this new version. Take a quick look at this video:

Visual Studio 2015

Did you ever wonder how Visual Studio is made? Look at this video, and see the changes that happened since older versions of VS.

KISS is my philosophy

How much time lost trying to understand what an other developper is trying to achieve? How much time lost trying to understand a x-line lambda? How muc time lost trying to review a spaghetti code? Well the answer is... to much. Sorry guys, but my brain is too small for too complicated things. One of my favovite principle is KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Applying this philisophy, your code will be more readable, more comprehensive. Read this blog post to learn more.

Windows 10 - Getting started

Windows 10 is here! I hope it will be better than Windows 8 - 8.1... From what I can hear, it will be. Let's start a tour of this fresh new OS: .

Xamarin.forms.Maps - Tap to get a position on the map...

Xamarin.Forms.Map component Xamarin.Forms.Maps is a great component. It gives you the possibility to deal with maps and geolocation problematics in a few lines of code. This "Map" component internally use native map controls for iOS, Android and Windows Phone: You can display and locate "Pins" with custom information on the map. I suggest you to read the reference links above. Display pins with custom information The problem But actually, in my mind, the Map control miss a very important feature: --> Tap  on the map to get the relative location (to put a new pin, to get the relative address...) The workaround Use renderers Actually, to solve this problem, we need to implement custom renderers for iOS and Android. Maybe this feature will be implemented later by Xamarin... So here is my solution (3 code files below): - ExtMap.cs : overloaded map control that will contain our "Tapped" event to get the tapped location

Microservices architecture

Building a monolithic app, even subdivided in different layers is not the only path... Recently, I discovered the Microservices architecture. This allow to separate the whole application itself in autonomous part of sub application. It has pros & cons. You can see this website for an advanced comparison. Martin fowler speaks about it: . Paul Mooney has also started an interesting series on this kind of architecture. Here are the first two parts: . .

AOP through Unity interceptors - Conclusion

We have seen how pleasant could be the programmation with Unity and interceptors. Of course, you can use another IoC framework to achieve what we have done in this series. A good advice would be to use Autofac . This framework has more capabilities than Unity. An other point of attention is performance. Enabling interception is not cost free. You should take care of it: I would advice to measure the impact of enabling/disabling interception.