
Microsoft Band SDK available

Today, I would like to remember you that the Microsoft Band SDK is now available for developers ! You can also find the associated Xamarin component for iOS & Android platforms. Here are the links: Xamarin Microsoft Band component for iOS & Android Microsoft Band SDK download page With this SDK you can access the following band sensors: Accelerometer : Provides X, Y, and Z acceleration in meters per second squared (m/s2) units. Gyroscope Provides X, Y, and Z angular velocity in degrees per second (°/sec) units. Distance : Provides the total distance in centimeters, current speed in centimeters per second (cm/s), current pace in milliseconds per meter (ms/m), and the current pedometer mode (such as walking or running). Heart Rate  Provides the number of beats per minute, also indicates if the heart rate sensor is fully locked onto the wearer’s heart rate. Pedometer  Provides the total number of steps the wearer has taken. Skin Temperature Provides t

A Web Game in an Hour

Want to learn more about web latest technologies with fun? You can have a look in here : . You will build a 2D game using HTML, Javascript & CSS. It could be a good starting point for people that want to learn those technologies.

Xamarin.Forms device unique ID...

As in a lot of applications, you will probably need to get a unique identifier to identify a unique user . And it becomes a little more complicated when you have to deal with different platforms like Android, iOS and Windows Phone... Here is a simple solution that you can implement in Xamarin Forms that I found on this blog: First define a service that you will use in your Xamarin Forms Application: // Your service interface definition public interface IDevice { string GetIdentifier(); } // How you get your service in your app IDevice device = DependencyService.Get (); string deviceIdentifier = device.GetIdentifier(); And here are the implementations for Android / Windows Phone and the most complicated, iOS platform: // WINDOWS PHONE [assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(WinPhoneDevice))] namespace XFUniqueIdentifier.WinPhone { public class WinPhoneDevice : IDevice { public string GetIdentifier() { byte[] myDeviceId = (

Xamarin & Caliburn.Micro

Good news for Caliburn.Micro users: it is now ( almost ) compatible with xamarin!

Unit Testing and Memory Profiling

You know Unit tests, you use it & it's good. Sometimes, you want to ensure that you don't have memory leaks. Here is a way of doing this. Jetbrains offers us a new soft to combine UT & Memory profiling. If you want to know more, you could have a look in here : . Happy coding!

Hey bloggers, insert code snippets in your posts !

You wonder how to to add nice code snippets in your blog posts ? I have configured this blog to insert snippets (following this article): The good tool used is SyntaxHighlighter : All you have to do now is to insert your code in your post using the following <pre> TAG (in HTML mode): // Comment <pre class="brush: csharp">// Comment public class Testing { public Testing() { } public void Method() { /* Another Comment on multiple lines */ int x = 9; } } </pre> Note that if your code contains '<' or '>' characters, you will need to encode it into HTML format, using a tool like this one: Enjoy and write new posts !

Xamarin.Forms: Picker control and "Items" binding problem...

If I tell you "ComboBox", you will see quickly of which control I'm talking about. There no control named "ComboBox" in Xamarin.Forms but if you search a little, you will find the "Picker " control. Class: Xamarin.Forms.Picker In the namespace: Xamarin.Forms Doc link : The problem is that you cannot bind directly "Picker.Items" property in the XAML file ! For that you have to use the code behind file. xaml (doesn't work): <Picker Items="{Binding MyViewModelList}"... /> So what do we have to do ? 1- Name your "Picker" control in the xaml file (by adding an attribute like x:Name="uiPicker" ) 2- On the parent page in code behind, override the "OnBindingContextChanged( )" method 3- In this method, fill your "Picker.Items" property from your viewmodel's values. 4- On the XAML file, you can onl