
A Web Game in an Hour

Want to learn more about web latest technologies with fun? You can have a look in here : . You will build a 2D game using HTML, Javascript & CSS. It could be a good starting point for people that want to learn those technologies.

Xamarin.Forms device unique ID...

As in a lot of applications, you will probably need to get a unique identifier to identify a unique user . And it becomes a little more complicated when you have to deal with different platforms like Android, iOS and Windows Phone... Here is a simple solution that you can implement in Xamarin Forms that I found on this blog: First define a service that you will use in your Xamarin Forms Application: // Your service interface definition public interface IDevice { string GetIdentifier(); } // How you get your service in your app IDevice device = DependencyService.Get (); string deviceIdentifier = device.GetIdentifier(); And here are the implementations for Android / Windows Phone and the most complicated, iOS platform: // WINDOWS PHONE [assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(WinPhoneDevice))] namespace XFUniqueIdentifier.WinPhone { public class WinPhoneDevice : IDevice { public string GetIdentifier() { byte[] myDeviceId = (

Xamarin & Caliburn.Micro

Good news for Caliburn.Micro users: it is now ( almost ) compatible with xamarin!

Unit Testing and Memory Profiling

You know Unit tests, you use it & it's good. Sometimes, you want to ensure that you don't have memory leaks. Here is a way of doing this. Jetbrains offers us a new soft to combine UT & Memory profiling. If you want to know more, you could have a look in here : . Happy coding!

Hey bloggers, insert code snippets in your posts !

You wonder how to to add nice code snippets in your blog posts ? I have configured this blog to insert snippets (following this article): The good tool used is SyntaxHighlighter : All you have to do now is to insert your code in your post using the following <pre> TAG (in HTML mode): // Comment <pre class="brush: csharp">// Comment public class Testing { public Testing() { } public void Method() { /* Another Comment on multiple lines */ int x = 9; } } </pre> Note that if your code contains '<' or '>' characters, you will need to encode it into HTML format, using a tool like this one: Enjoy and write new posts !

Xamarin.Forms: Picker control and "Items" binding problem...

If I tell you "ComboBox", you will see quickly of which control I'm talking about. There no control named "ComboBox" in Xamarin.Forms but if you search a little, you will find the "Picker " control. Class: Xamarin.Forms.Picker In the namespace: Xamarin.Forms Doc link : The problem is that you cannot bind directly "Picker.Items" property in the XAML file ! For that you have to use the code behind file. xaml (doesn't work): <Picker Items="{Binding MyViewModelList}"... /> So what do we have to do ? 1- Name your "Picker" control in the xaml file (by adding an attribute like x:Name="uiPicker" ) 2- On the parent page in code behind, override the "OnBindingContextChanged( )" method 3- In this method, fill your "Picker.Items" property from your viewmodel's values. 4- On the XAML file, you can onl

Mvvm From A to Z

For french developpers, you can have a look at my MVVM My Way article . It proposes an end to end solution to developp an MVVM application. This article covers the global architecture, the associated tools & the way of testing the app.

[Code de porc]

Code I have seen somewhere (in production code) :) Interesting...