
Showing posts with the label emgu

EMGU with Xamarin Forms guide [part 1]

I- Introduction, OpenCV and EMGU Do you know OpenCV ( Open Source Computer Vision Library: ) ?  This open source library let's you work and play with images and videos with a lot of powerful image processing algorithms !  If you want some details, I suggest you to first navigate to the link above or search for 'OpenCV' on Google.  Examples of OpenCV processing found on the web (filters, object detection, edges...): EMGU is a .NET OpenCV wrapper. That means that you will be able to use OpenCV functionnalities in your .NET projects using C# for instance. EMGU is cross platform, so you will also be able to use it in your Xamarin projects ! That's great because there is no advanced image processing library in Xamarin. In this article, we will talk about EMGU and list the steps to setup a Xamarin Forms project using EMGU . It may help you because, we must say that it's not a trivial task...  II-What do I need...