
Showing posts with the label boxdecoration

[Flutter] Adding background image to your pages

There are many ways to add a background image to your pages, but the most common way is to use a BoxDecoration Widget. The BoxDecoration Widget is placed under a parent Container Widget (container.decoration). Then, you can customise the Image decoration using Assets images, Network images... Sample code (with an asset image): @ override Widget build ( BuildContext context ) { return GetBuilder < MainPageController >( id : 'mainpage' , init : MainPageController (), builder : ( vm ) => Scaffold ( body : Container ( width : double . infinity , height : double . infinity , decoration : const BoxDecoration ( image : DecorationImage ( image : AssetImage ( 'assets/images/dark_background2.jpg' ), fit : BoxFit . fill , )), child : SafeArea ( top : true , bottom : true , child : Container (